Alley Chat – Episode 011

Surprise! A pop up episode comes up in a timely manner! At the 6th Annual Striking Courage FA Project Event, we checked in with youngster Jonathan Boudreau who offered his predeictions for the first round of the Pro Series Playoffs taking place on April 19! Episode 11 is short and sweet as FrankFace and Boudreau discuss the Pro Series Playoffs. Thanks to the FA Project and Candlewood Lanes in North Reading, Massachusetts for letting us set up and banter!

Alley Chat – Episode 010

Episode number TEN!!! Thanks to YOU listeners for all your help and support! We celebrate our TENTH episode with Mark Ricci, proprietor of Riverwalk Lanes, world record holder with a 519 series, director-producer of Classic Candlepins (what HASN’T this guy done!?!?). FrankFace, Rich Limone, and Kyle Bruce get down to the basics of the game with Mahkypinz. We discuss the Easter Classic, Classic Candlepins, the state of the game and the ICBA, and what it’s like to be a world record holder of a 519 triple. Get comfy because at 1.5 hours this is our LONGEST episode yet!

Alley Chat – Episode 009

Tune in as FrankFace and Kyle Bruce co-pilot episode 009! Straight of his FIFTH win of the Easter Classic, Jeff Surette joined us via Skype the day after the tournament to talk about being the only man to win five Easter Classic Twenty Stringer Tournaments! Great job Jeff! Episode 009 also covers a recap of Week 30 of the Men’s Friday Night Pro League.

Alley Chat – Episode 008

In this episode FrankFace, Rich, and Kyle discuss the FA Project coming up on April 18 at Candlewood Lanes, Friday Pro League week 29, and we bruch up on the New England Knockout Bracket tournament run by Nick Zuffelato. To find out more information the FA Project, check out their Website!

001 – New England Knockout Final Match – Live Broadcast

In our first video presentation we have our wildly successful live coverage of the New England Knockout Bracket Tournament run by Nick Zuffelato. Check out the playback from our YouTube channel (be sure to subscribe!) as Nick joins FrankFace for the LIVE action from Woburn Bowladrome. Thank you to the staff at Woburn Bowladrome for letting this happen and making it possible!

Alley Chat – Episode 007

In episode 7 we have a guest in the studio! Nick “Freshy” Zuffelato sits down with us to talk about his New England Bracket Knockout Tournament that has been running since January of this year. We talk about how the tournament came about and what he has in store for the future. This episode also covers week 28 of the Men’s Friday Pro League!

Alley Chat – Episode 006

FrankFace and Kyle Bruce are on the road again at Lakeside Lanes in Manchester, NH for the Candlepin Pro Series 10 stringer! Check us out as we discuss the top ten points leaders. This episode also includes an exclusive interview with Jonathan Boudreau!